Science Writer, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (FT, NYC)

Job Title:
Science Writer, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)

Full time, New York, NY

Job Description:
IAVI is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure the development of safe, effective, preventive HIV vaccines for the world. IAVI is helping to lead a global campaign to accelerate the development of AIDS vaccines and is also working to ensure that when vaccines are approved and licensed, they can be made immediately available to all who need them without delay. To meet this challenge, IAVI has grown from a small NGO in 1996 to a global organization with more than 120 staff at its New York headquarters and other locations around the world. IAVI is now working in more than 22 countries.

IAVI Report, a leading source of information on worldwide efforts to develop an AIDS vaccine and associated topics, seeks a science writer for a subunit within the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). IAVI is a fast-growing non-profit organization whose mission is to expedite the development of a safe and effective AIDS vaccine and to ensure that it reaches all people who need it.

IAVI Report covers the latest scientific research as well as the political, economic, social and ethical issues associated with this fast-growing field. Distributed globally, the newsletter reaches 130 countries and an expanding online readership, ranging from researchers and health care workers to policymakers, community advocates and journalists. VAX is a monthly bulletin on AIDS vaccine research and news aimed at a non-scientific readership, from advocates to policymakers to community leaders to vaccine trial volunteers.

In addition to presenting adaptations of IAVI Report articles in a straightforward, easily-accessible style, each edition of VAX includes a Primer that explores an AIDS vaccine related topic in a non-technical format to enable non-scientists to broaden their understanding and become familiar with scientific terms and ideas. Each edition of VAX is currently available in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese (in an edition aimed primarily at Brazil).

We are looking to expand our reporting and writing capacity and have an immediate opening for a Science Writer who knows the field, or related disciplines, and can contribute to our coverage of the latest research and related issues. There will be scope for the successful candidate to travel, both internationally and nationally, and to cover various aspects of the AIDS vaccine field specifically and the pandemic in general.

Position Summary:
The Writer will help develop story ideas and produce articles for IAVI Report and VAX. The Writer will have chief responsibility for VAX as well as contribute articles to IAVI Report.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Lead development of and write the majority of articles for VAX
  • Conceptualize and write articles for IAVI Report, including coverage of scientific conferences, articles on social/policy issues affecting vaccine trials, features on immunology/vaccine research and interviews with or profiles of important players in the field
  • Contribute to special issues focusing on specific areas within AIDS vaccine development or specific regions of the world
  • Ability to travel internationally and nationally to scientific conferences, clinical trial sites, emerging epidemic sites and policy forums
  • Help develop the overall direction and distribution plans for the publications
  • Help gather information on newly-published research papers and other developments in the field
  • Work with Managing Editor and project team to maintain and develop the organization’s database on AIDS vaccine clinical trials

Experience and Skills:

  • Excellent writing skills are a must; prior journalism experience/training greatly preferred
  • Current scientific knowledge of HIV/AIDS preferable
  • Demonstrated ability to quickly grasp what is important and convey it clearly and concisely
  • Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines while maintaining parallel projects and assignments
  • Ability to work well in a small team and to contribute to entire production process of publications
  • Previous international experience (living/study abroad) a plus
  • Strong copyediting skills also preferable

Educational Requirements
Degree in science or journalism, with experience in both fields preferred.

To Apply:

Send resume, cover letter and 2 existing writing samples (published articles, thesis introduction, research proposal or summary). Please go to and enter the International AIDS Vaccine web site. Please then click on the “Careers at IAVI” bar and enter our recruitment section. Please select the position you are interested in and apply using the web or mail to: International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) 110 William Street, 27th Floor New York, New York 10038-3901 USA
Tel: 212.847.1092
Fax: 212.847.1112

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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