Various textbook jobs (Freelance)

Job Title
Various – writers,editors,reviewers, Symmetry Creative Production

Freelance, can work from home

Job Description

Freelance positions available for update of High School level Earth Science Student Edition and Teacher Edition. The following talents are needed:

Writers: to develop inquiry labs, chapter and section opener ‘grabs’, reading activities, and other elements.

Also needed: state specific writers to develop 16 or 32 page state specific inserts. Will need to be able to discuss specific state geology, climates, etc. Map activities to be included as well

Safety Reviewer: To review Inquiry labs

Editors: To perform both content and copy editing of newly created elements and state specific add-ins

Correlators: To correlate Student Edition to various state standards

Teacher Reviewers: To review Student and Teacher edition pages, and provide feedback

Academic Reviewers: To review Student and Teacher edition pages, and provide feedback

Fact/Answer checkers: To review and substantiate all facts of newly created elements or text

Dates of project
Project runs Nov/Dec of 2007 through May of 2008

Contact Mary Beth Gasiorowski,

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