Science Writer/Web Content Developer, Columbia University (Freelance, NYC)

Job Title:
Science Writer/Web Content Developer, Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University

Freelance, New York

Job Description:
We are in the process of revamping the website for the Center for Computational Learning Systems (CCLS) ( We are a young, dynamic organization specializing in Computational Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Research. There are several research groups here such as (1)Energy Research group collaborating with Consolidated Edison Company of NY (2) Arabic Dialect Modeling and Natural Language Processing, and (3) Epilepsy prediction.

We are looking for a talented individual to help us redefine and enhance our web presence. This individual will have the following
– Assess the contents of the existing website
– Work with the individual research groups to get their content updated
– Rewrite technical descriptions of projects
– Come up with the format, content and layout for a quarterly newsletter

This individual will work with the Web Designer to implement the new website.
– Interviewing and reporting skills
– Experience in creating Scientific/Technical write-ups, working with researchers
– Experience in creating magazines/newsletters

Contact Manoj Pooleery, (212) 870-1287,

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