Writers and Copy Editors, Keas, Inc. (Freelance/PT, location flexible)

Job Title:
Writers & Copy Editors, Keas, Inc. (startup)

Freelance – part time, Location flexible

Job Description:
Web startup based in San Francisco (with satellites in NJ and Brooklyn), led by Adam Bosworth who conceived of and headed up Google Health, is seeking freelance medical writers and copy editors. Writing involves collaborating with staff docs and editorial team to develop personalized health and wellness content–including guidelines, news, lifestyle columns, and opinion in both traditional and blog formats. For some of the writing projects, need MD-journalists; other projects require varying degrees of training and experience in health journalism. Absolute requirement for all writing projects is a rigorous application of journalistic standards and keen knowledge of how to discern and interpret evidence-based studies. For copy editing, experience with online health and science projects a must, with consumer focus helpful. Location near SF or NY helpful but not necessary.

Contact Sarah Greene sarah.greene@keas.com

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