Web Editor, Under the Microscope (PT)

Job Title:
Web Editor, Feminist Press Women and Science Project

Part Time


Responsible for overall management of website content including:
– Write articles and blog for the website
– Recruit and manage interns, bloggers, etc.
– Solicit stories and content from other sources (e.g., women scientists)
– Edit and approve all content written by interns and invited writers
– Respond to email pertaining to content that may come from users to editor@uncerthemicrosocope.com
– Work with underthemicroscope team to develop the various sections of the site (Stories, Resources, Under the Lens, etc.)
– Work with utm team to promote underthemicroscope through Facebook, twitter, etc.
– Communicate with the Feminist Press editorial staff to ensure web content is consistent with FP mission and programs.

Must have online writing and editing experience, familiarity with researching and sizing images (Photoshop experience a plus), and prior experience working with content management systems preferably Joomla 1.0. Some background in science a plus.

Please send resume and sample of writing to:

Underthemicroscope.com is the website of the Feminist Press Women and Science Project funded by the National Science Foundation.

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