With 2011 almost here, it’s time to consider an important step—renewing your dues or becoming a new member of Science Writers in New York. We’re the greater metropolitan area’s professional and social hub for science and healthcare writers, editors, and PIOs—and those interested in transitioning into this area.
SWINY’s modest annual dues of $25 are repaid many times over. Priority job listings continue to be an outstanding membership advantage. Our popular networking opportunities include informal socials throughout the year. Members enjoy a significantly reduced fee for our festive annual party, held in February to brighten the winter doldrums. And most especially, we dedicate ourselves to creating timely, provocative, expert-powered events that keep us on our toes, stretch our minds, and provide novel story ideas. These events—many of which draw SRO crowds—are free to members.
In 2010, our events included:
- The Future of Play: Games are Changing—And Changing Us. Increasingly, educators (backed by the National Science Foundation) see games and simulations as important learning tools. Others work with them as a way to modify social attitudes. Co-hosted with the Games For Change meet-up group, a panel of hands-on experts illuminated significant questions about learning/social change games.
- Epigenetics and Cancer: The Next Evolution in Cancer Therapeutics. Epigenetics is the study of inherited and acquired modifications in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the DNA itself. A roundtable discussion of this burgeoning new frontier in cancer therapeutics with leading researchers in the field was co-hosted with the biotech company Syndex.
- Exclusive Tour of NYC’s Largest “Green” Roof. The 2.5 acre roof of the U.S. Postal Service’s 9th Avenue sorting facility in Chelsea is our city’s newest and largest green roof project and research site. SWINY arranged an up-close and personal guided tour with the senior scientist involved in this effort, including an exclusive preview of the research about to begin on this extraordinary green roof.
- A Discussion of the New DSM-5. A panel of experts discussed the upcoming changes and revisions for DSM-5 and their implications for clinicians, researchers, psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and policy makers.
- A Window Into Science/A Window Into Book Authoring: A Conversation with Julie Des Jardins, Author of The Madame Curie Complex. Des Jardins, Professor of History at Baruch College, has profiled a range of ground-breaking women scientists post-1900 and how they have pursued their passions, often in the face of gender-related barriers. Her profiles open a window into diverse 20th century scientific cultures. For SWINY, Des Jardins shared highlights of these stories—as well as the complexities of crafting a book-length gallery of unique women scientists. This event was co-hosted with AWIS (Association of Women in Science).
- Social Media in the Next Decade. Social media experts pinpointed what’s happening now, how that will change, and how writers can take advantage of it.
- Talkin’ Trash: New Trends in Trash and Recycling. Every day, nearly 12,000 tons of residential waste and recyclables are collected in New York City. What happens to the city’s garbage once it disappears from the curb? An expert panel described the potential, the successes, and the challenges in the unexpectedly fascinating world of local garbage.
The SWINY Board has been hard at work planning this coming year, and we hope to provide even better ways to bring writers, editors, and scientists together. Your membership dues make this possible.
Dues are only $25 a year (rising costs finally caused us to increase our long-standing $20 fee). You can pay via PayPal or by check using the form below.
SWINY can continue to exist only with member support. So help us continue providing stimulating events and workshops for the New York science-writing community.
Thank you!
The SWINY Board