April 27: Author Dan Ferber speaks on Climate Change as a Health Crisis: Disease, Disasters, and a Path to Resilience

Science Writers in New York (SWINY) and the Science, Industry, & Business Library (SIBL) branch of the New York Public Library welcome you to a public presentation and book signing of Changing Planet, Changing Health: How the Climate Crisis Threatens Our Health and What We Can Do about It by Dan Ferber, journalist and coauthor, with Paul Epstein, M.D.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 6 p.m.
Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL)
Conference Room 018
188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street (see map and directions)
Fully wheelchair-accessible

Much of the public discourse about “global warming” has focused on increasing temperatures, melting glaciers and slowly rising seas. But climate change is already harming the health of people around the world. In their new book, Changing Planet, Changing Health, Dan Ferber and coauthor Paul Epstein, M.D., associate director of the Center for Health and Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, reveal the surprising links between climate change and cholera, malaria, Lyme disease, asthma and other maladies. Ferber will discuss his on-the-ground investigations of these threats in Kenya, Honduras, Harlem, Wyoming and elsewhere. He’ll also present the suite of innovative policy solutions that he and Epstein propose to address these global health threats.

Dan Ferber specializes in putting a human face on groundbreaking stories about science, technology, health and the environment. As a contributing correspondent for Science and a contributor to such magazines as Reader’s Digest, Wired, Popular Science and Audubon, he’s covered topics from malaria to cancer, from air pollution to coral reefs, from wildfire modeling to wetland conservation. In Changing Planet, Changing Health he drew on this far-ranging experience and on coauthor Paul Epstein’s body of work to clarify the fundamental links between human health, healthy biological systems and global climate. Ferber earned a Ph.D. in biology from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s in journalism from the University of Illinois. For more information, see http://danferber.com.

Seating is limited and on a first come-first served basis unless otherwise noted.

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