May 19: What Does the Latest Research Show about Diets?

Are some diets healthier and safer than others?  Can you really unclog your arteries by eating right? What does the latest research show about diets?

Science Writers in New York (SWINY) and American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev are pleased to present Professor Iris Shai, a world renowned researcher at the S. Daniel Abraham International Center for Health and Nutrition, Department of Epidemiology, who will discuss a breakthrough diet and the latest in nutrition research.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The Conference Center
130 East 59th Street — Room 653
Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails will be served

The focus of Dr. Shai’s research is in the field of nutrition and the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. She is currently leading several long-term, large-scale dietary intervention studies using novel techniques to address the effect of different dietary strategies and moderate alcohol intake on several emerging aspects of human health.

She works with a broad international collaboration that includes Harvard as well as distinguished Canadian and European universities.

Dr. Shai has published extensively on dietary strategies, weight loss, and its consequences for metabolic and cardiovascular health. Her scientific findings have received worldwide interest from the medical community and the media. She just published “Adolescent BMI Trajectory and Risk of Diabetes vs. Coronary Disease” in the New England Journal of Medicine. Her NEJM paper regarding the effectiveness of different types of diets was one of the “Top 10 Important U.S. Studies” on cardiovascular diseases in 2008. In Israel, Dr. Shai was recently included among the Top 10 Young Promising Researchers and was named to the list of the country’s 50 most influential women.

For security reasons you must register in advance. Although admission is free, we cannot guarantee you will be admitted without prior registration.

RSVP to Andrew Lavin – 516-944-4486 or

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