Scientific Writer for Dec. 5 meeting (Freelance, NYC)

Job Title:
Scientific Writer Needed to Cover One-Day Think Tank, The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation

Freelance – One Article, The University Club, One West 54th Street, New York, NY

Job Description:
Every year The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation has a one-day Think Tank where scientists from all over the world come and discuss a topic on Dystonia and/or Parkinson’s disease.

We are looking for a scientific writer to attend the Think Tank on Monday December 5, take notes, and write up a concise report of the day. This report is then turned into our Think Tank Summary which is sent out do donors.

Please email a resume with a writing sample to Beth Pfeil, Special Events Manager, at, 212-682-9900

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