Job Title:
Science Writing Internship, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Internship, Long Island
Job Description:
Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Media and Communications Office is now accepting applications from undergraduate and graduate students interested in our PAID science writing and communication internship for Fall 2012. Internship participants work about sixteen 40-hour weeks on science news and feature stories for a variety of media outlets, including the Lab’s website and The Bulletin, a weekly newspaper for employees and visiting scientists. Interns also sometimes write news releases, fact sheets, brochures, video scripts, and materials to support government-relations work.
Brookhaven is a world-leading multipurpose research institution with seven Nobel Prizes to its name. Located on a 5,300-acre site on Long Island, NY, the Laboratory performs research in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, applied science, and advanced technology. In addition to Brookhaven’s almost 3,000 scientists, engineers, and support staff, some 5,000 researchers from across the country and around the world come to the Laboratory each year to use its research facilities and collaborate with its scientific staff. Science communication interns work at the level of the professional staff in the Media and Communications Office and have access to some of the most exciting stories and leaders in the scientific world.
Applicants are eligible for up to a year after graduation. A journalism or science degree is preferred. Interns will receive a $425 per week stipend plus dormitory-style, single-room housing on BNL’s site. The application deadline for Fall 2012 (September-December) is Wednesday, August 1, 2012.
More details at:
To apply, mail, email, or fax a cover letter, resume, and three writing samples to:
Karen McNulty Walsh
Media and Communications
Building 400C
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973
Phone: 631-344-8350
Fax: 631-344-3368