LinkedIn—the world’s largest professional on-line network, with over 175 million members in more than 200 countries. If you use LinkedIn, you’re probably among the many members who are unaware of the valuable ways it can enhance your career. And if you’re not a LinkedIn member, then perhaps you should be.
On October 18, SWINY (Science Writers in New York) invites you to a very special professional development evening — in-depth guidance on all the surprising ways LinkedIn can become an exceptional asset for you.
The many pointers you’ll get will include: the best key words for your title field, making sure your contact info is in all the right places, using LinkedIn’s newest tools adeptly, and how Groups can develop your business and visibility. And there will be lots more.
Krista Canfield, LinkedIn Senior Manager, Corporate Communications and journalist trainer. Krista’s team has helped train more than 13,000 journalists to use LinkedIn to get scoops, story ideas, and sources.
Beth Schachter, Still Point Coaching & Consulting; Beth Schachter Consulting: Beth, a SWINY member, uses LinkedIn creatively with great skill and success for her work.
Thursday, October 18
6–8 pm (arrive at 6 for snacks, networking)
3 Park Avenue (at 34 St), 22nd floor
Free for 2012 dues-paid SWINY members
$10 for nonmembers*
Space is limited, so early registration is advised.
*Becoming a SWINY member now ($25) will include the full 2013 year, and earn all members’ benefits immediately. See for registration information and on-line form.