Join Science Writers in New York (SWINY) on Tuesday, September 10 (from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Pierre) for a fascinating start to our fall season.
The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) has organized an intimate yet broad-scope panel discussion for SWINY’s members and guests on the importance of—and recent breakthroughs in—current brain research.
Max Planck luminaries from both Germany and Florida will team up to discuss issues and progress and take audience questions. U.S. President Barack Obama’s multi-year BRAIN initiative endows this event with special relevance.
Discussion will include explanation of cutting-edge science being done by these investigators in the Max Planck Institutes to meet the provocative challenges of understanding the brain. After Dr. Peter Gruss, head of the broad spectrum of Max Planck centers, provides a brief introduction, three pairs of similarly-focused scientists from Florida and Germany will describe their research and respond to the audience.
This special event is free, but registration is required:
Introduction to the Max Planck Society, and the importance of international scientific collaboration
Peter Gruss, PhD: President, Max Planck Society, Munich, Germany
New technologies for neural communications
Ryohei Yasuda, PhD: Scientific Director, MPFI
Nils Brose, PhD: Director, MPI for Molecular Neurobiology, Göttingen, Germany
The developing brain
David Fitzpatrick, PhD: Scientific Director & CEO, MPFI
Tobias Bonhoeffer, PhD: Director, MPI for Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
Mapping brain circuits
Bert Sakmann, MD: Nobel Laureate; Group Leader, MPFI
Moritz Helmstaedter, PhD: Group Leader, MPI for Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
Moderator: Ron Winslow, Wall Street Journal medical writer/editor; President, National Association of Science Writers (NASW)
5:30–6:00 pm: Networking and cocktail reception (hors d’oeuvres and open bar)
6:00–7:30 pm: Panel discussion
6:00–6:15: Welcomes and Introductions
6:15–7:15: Partner discussions with audience Q&A
7:15–7:30: Wrap up—full panel comments, interchange—and departure
The Pierre—2 East 61st Street (at Fifth Ave)
Networking/cocktails in The Salon—lower lobby level
The panel event in the adjoining The Wedgewood