Mental Health Reporter, Network (Freelance)

Job Title:
Mental Health Reporter, Network

Part-Time Freelance

Job Description:
We’re in search of a crackerjack mental health reporter who keeps track of all the most recent research in positive psychology, general psychology, relationships, stress, happiness, depression, as well as general emotions and some general health. This talented, hard-working individual must be able to digest research papers and explain the results in engaging, fun-to-read prose, as well as brainstorm for new article ideas. This is not the place for dry, boring copy. We’re looking for someone with lots of voice who can meet deadline and turn around copy quickly—while reporting with the highest standards (no out-of-date studies, no fudged statistics, no exaggerated claims). The reward: a supportive, smart, flexible team environment, and the ability to work on your own schedule. Requirements: 3 to 5 years writing experience in the mental healthy/psychology/health field; kindness and a good sense of humor.


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