SOLD OUT: Join SWINY for this exclusive early evening guided program
If you’ve signed up for next week’s Central Park tour, starting at 6 p.m., we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, June 18. Important: if you have not received the meeting place information, please contact Carol Milano ( off-list. You must be pre-registered to attend the Central Park event on June 18. Registration is now closed.
See you next week!
Our previous evening tours, customized by Central Park exclusively for SWINY, have been a hit with all the attendees — science writers as well as their offspring. Normally, Central Park’s popular tours, led by well-trained volunteers, are offered only in the daytime. Fortunately, SWINY has been able, once again, to arrange a private 2014 evening program. It will be led by Michael Graff, the very knowledgeable guide who garnered rave reviews in 2013 and 2012.
This year’s theme is “The Essential Central Park.” We’ll learn about the scientist honored at Inventor’s Gate, and find out how the Park’s designers conceived, planned, and created the Lake and Bethesda Terrace. We’ll also explore the shoreline, inlets, Cherry Hill, Bow Bridge and a little-known cave, on our way to an in-depth tour of the beautiful Shakespeare Garden. Finally, we’ll discover the history of Belvedere Castle, with its panoramic views, dual balconies, and National Weather Service station. It’s also an outstanding bird watching site. Michael may even share some inside info about an ornithological celebrity or two.
No matter how often you’ve visited the center of Central Park, you’re sure to learn more than you knew before about its history, geology, flora, fauna and unsuspected factoids. Questions are welcome throughout the tour.
So escape from your office and start your summer with a truly unique after-hours experience. You’ll forget that we’re in the middle of New York City. Bring along family and friends for a very special, richly informative outdoor evening!
NOTE: Attendance is strictly limited to the first 20 people who register. The convenient mid-Park meeting site will be provided after you sign up.
Wednesday, June 18
6 pm
approximately 90 minutes
Good walking shoes advised
The route includes a few hills and some stairs.
Fees: This evening program is underwritten by SWINY, to keep costs modest.
$5 SWINY or NASW members, and students
$15 non-members
Free for kids under 16