SWINY and Albert Einstein College of Medicine invite you to attend
an illuminating group of presentations on
Marvels of cutting-edge biomedical imaging and their applications to human disease—presented by their renowned innovators.
John S. Condeelis, PhD: visualizes and tracks individual cells as they move and signal in living animals, with particular relevance to early identification of cancers that will metastasize. (He is working to develop a commercial test for breast cancer metastasis.) This still photo comes from a movie tracking tumor cells (green) as they exchange signals with their macrophage guides (red) prompting them to migrate to blood vessels where they penetrate the walls and then travel to distant sites. Nonmetastatic tumors lack this signaling capability.
Robert H. Singer, PhD: studies the life cycle of single mRNA molecules in action—from transcription to degradation—and is gaining insight into the key processes regulating cell division, relevant to significant disease processes and potential treatments. This still photo is taken from film revealing RNA being made by a gene. Singer also tracks gene activation in real cells in real time.
Timothy Bromage, PhD: applies confocal microscopy—which sees below the surface—to probe the mysteries of fossil and modern tooth enamel. One result is his discovery of a new type of biological clock revealed in the growth lines of tooth enamel. His far-reaching explorations have altered the fields of paleoanthropology and human evolution.
Drs. Condeelis and Singer co-direct the Gruss-Lipper Biophotonics Center and co-chair Anatomy and Structural Biology at Einstein. Dr. Condeelis also holds the Judith and Burton P. Resnick Chair in Translational Research and directs the program in tumor microenvironment at Albert Einstein Cancer Center. He was elected as a fellow of the AAAS. Dr. Singer is professor of both Cell Biology and Neuroscience. Science magazine identified him as a pioneer in the field of mRNA research. Dr. Bromage, with the NYU College of Dentistry, is professor of Biomaterials and Biomimetics and directs the Hard Tissue Research Unit. He recently received the Max Planck Society’s highly prestigious Research Award.
Monday December 1, 5:45pm–7:45pm
5:45–6:15: registration, refreshments, networking
6:15 sharp: presentations and Q&A
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 55 Fifth Ave (between 12th–13th Sts), Room 407 (http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/directions)
Free to SWINY members* and all Einstein personnel and students
$10 for nonmembers
$5 for students not at Einstein
(*Become a SWINY member now, valid through 2015: www.swiny.org)
Register: http://www.jotformpro.com/swiny/biomedical_imaging