Many journalists aren’t aware that some publishers provide free access in their effort to promote science to the public. You can read Elsevier‘s perspective about why they think this is important.
SWINY has arranged to help eligible members receive free access to Elsevier’s ScienceDirect. This resource allows users, including credentialed reporters and freelance journalists, to access a leading full-text scientific database offering more than 13 million journal articles from nearly 2,500 journals and book chapters from 30,000 books. An app is also available so you can access ScienceDirect on your mobile device.
But to get this benefit you have to be a current SWINY member. You can join or renew at
To setup access, SWINY members should send an email requesting a username and password to SWINY co-chair David Levine at
Please include the following:
- Subject Line: SWINY Member ScienceDirect Access
- Your full name
- Your email address (please type in body of message)
- the following statement: “By sending this email and requesting access, I certify that I am a current member of Science Writers in New York (SWINY).”
Requests will be forwarded to Elsevier in batches every few weeks, and Elsevier will contact you from there.
Many thanks to Elsevier for this exciting opportunity.