Thursday, April 30, 4 pm EDT
on Zoom
The COVID-19 pandemic—a global event largely unprecedented in our lifetimes and with no clear end in sight—poses a number of challenges for science communicators, whether you do institutional communications or work as a journalist.
On Thursday, April 30, Science Writers in New York (SWINY) invites you to join us on Zoom for a conversation with Doug Levy, author of the recently released—and soon to be updated— Communications Guide for Coronavirus: Best Practices for Business, Government and Public Health Leaders. SWINY co-chair David Levine will talk to Doug about his book and we’ll open it up to questions from participants.
Precision wordsmith Doug Levy has spent more than 20 years at the intersection of technology, science, health, policy, and ethics and now is a consultant to corporations, academic institutions, and other organizations on crisis communications and reputation management. As a freelance journalist, Doug writes mostly about health, science, and technology. His first book, The Communications Golden Hour: The Essential Guide to Public Information When Every Minute Counts reached No. 1 in the public relations and public administration categories on when it was released in April 2018.
A Peabody Award-winning journalist, Doug went on to lead communications at two of the nation’s top medical centers, where he navigated everything from earthquakes to Ebola, privacy breaches and criminal investigations, along with scientific discoveries that prompted global news outlets to descend. He created the Communications Golden Hour® method to streamline emergency public communications based on a simple concept: plan ahead for everything that you know will happen so that you can focus on the immediate crisis when it happens.