June 3: Dating and Partnerships in the Time of COVID-19: A virtual conversation with Helen Fisher

Wednesday, June 3, 4 pm ET on Zoom

  • How do you date during a quarantine?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of “virtual dating”?
  • What do you do when your significant other drives you crazy? 
  • Can being together 24/7 improve your relationship or will it destroy it?
© Fabian Jimenez by YourTango

On Wednesday, June 3, Science Writers in New York invites you to join us on Zoom for a conversation with SWINY co-chair David Levine and Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute.

Helen E. Fisher is a biological anthropologist and senior research fellow at The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. She studies the evolution, brain systems (fMRI) and cross-cultural patterns of romantic love, mate choice, marriage, adultery, divorce, gender differences in the brain, personality/temperament, business personalities and the biology of leadership styles. She has written five internationally best-selling books and served as chief scientific advisor to Match.com She has written six books, including Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray.

Read Dr. Fisher’s articles in The New York Times:

Watch Dr. Fisher’s TED talk, Why We Love, Why We Cheat.

Wednesday, June 3
4 to 5 pm ET

Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vD2aB-VzRE-RdVSrWNhynQ

Please note: You must register at the above link to attend this Zoom webinar.

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