A Virtual Conversation with Dr. Muge Cevik, Infectious Diseases Researcher and
Science Communicator,
St. Andrews School of Medicine, Scotland
Thursday, February 18, 10 am EST / 3 pm GMT

Science Writers in New York is proud to present a virtual conversation with Dr. Muge Cevik (@mugecevik), who’s been described by Vox as a great expert to follow if you want to dig deeper into COVID-19 science. During the pandemic, alongside working on the front lines of the response, Dr. Cevik serves as a scientific advisor to the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland. Dr. Cevik makes use of Twitter to keep the public up to date with coronavirus-related research. In one of her most popular threads, Dr. Cevik describes in great detail the risk of infection after sustained close contact, such as within households and during family gatherings.
Dr. Cevik will talk to SWINY co-chair David Levine (@dlloydlevine) about her leadership in Scotland during the pandemic, how she uses Twitter to keep the medical community and the public informed on COVID-19 and her thoughts on vaccines, variants and how long the pandemic will last.
About Muge Cevik
Muge Cevik, MD, MSc, MRCP(UK), is a clinical lecturer in infectious diseases and medical virology. Her research interests focus on HIV, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, emerging infections and tropical infections in low- and middle-income countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside working on the front lines of the response, she provides scientific input to the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland on COVID-19 and serves as a member of NERVTAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group), an expert committee of the UK Department of Health.
Alongside her academic work, Dr. Cevik developed a strong interest in science communication. She is passionate about the value of integrating science communication into our efforts to disseminate research, which has the potential to enhance knowledge exchange among scientists and physicians, and the broader public.
Dr. Cevic’s recent publications include:
Articles Dr. Cevik is quoted in:
- 50 Experts to Trust in a Pandemic
- The Coronavirus Mostly Spares Younger Children. Teens Aren’t So Lucky.
- Is COVID-19 airborne? The CDC can’t say yet.
Have a question for Dr. Cevik you would like answered?
Submit it here.
Thursday, February 18
10 am to 11 am EST / 3 pm to 4 pm GMT