April 29: A Virtual Conversation with Josh Fischman, Senior Editor, Scientific American

A Virtual Conversation with Josh Fischman, Senior Editor, Scientific American

How America’s Oldest Scientific Magazine Transformed Itself to Cover All Aspects of
the COVID-19 Pandemic

Thursday, April 29, at 7 pm EDT on Zoom

On Thursday, April 29, Science Writers in New York invites you to join us on Zoom for a conversation with SWINY co-chair David Levine (@dlloydlevine) and Josh Fischman, (@jfischman), senior editor at Scientific American magazine, leading coverage of medicine and of science policy from Washington, DC. He will discuss both the articles he writes as well as the podcast he does with other writers and editors. 

Scientific American covers the advances in research and discovery that are changing our understanding of the world and shaping our lives. Founded 1845, it is the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States and now reaches more than 10 million people around the world each month through its website, print and digital editions, newsletters and app. 

About Josh Fischman

Josh Fischman is a senior editor at Scientific American magazine, leading coverage of medicine and of science policy from Washington DC. His work has been selected for the Best American Science Writing 2012 anthology, and he has won the Blakeslee Award for excellence in medical reporting and other writing awards. He has written cover stories for National GeographicU.S. News & World Report, and features for Time magazine and the Los Angeles Times. As an editor, Josh has been fortunate to work on many stories that have won top journalism prizes. Josh has been the editor-in-chief at Earth magazine and deputy editor-in-chief of Chemical & Engineering News, supervising worldwide coverage. He has directed technology coverage for The Chronicle of Higher Education, was a senior writer and editor at U.S News &World Report, deputy news editor at Science, and a senior editor at Discover. He authored a leading medical education guidebook, The U.S. News & World Report Ultimate Guide to Medical Schools (Sourcebooks, 2006).

Here are a few examples of Josh’s articles and his podcast:

Stories by Josh Fischman

COVID, Quickly, Episode 4: The Virtual Vaccine Line and Shots for Kids

Election Science Stakes: Medicine and Public Health

Thursday, April 29
7 to 8 pm EDT


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