June 8: A Night of Comic Relief with Science Comedians Brian Malow and Kasha Patel

A Night of Comic Relief with Science Comedians Brian Malow and Kasha Patel

Tuesday, June 8, at 7 PM EDT on Zoom

Science Writers in New York invites you to a much-needed night of comic relief with a virtual conversation with two stellar science comedians, Brian Malow and Kasha Patel. SWINY co-chair David Levine (@dlloydlevine) will speak with Brian and Kasha individually for 20 minutes each and with both during the final 20 minutes of the program.

About Brian Malow

In addition to performing and giving science communication talks for the NSF, AAAS, NASA, Johns Hopkins, Lawrence Berkeley and Los Alamos National Labs and others, Brian Malow has produced science videos for Time Magazine and audio pieces for Neil deGrasse Tyson’s StarTalk radio. 

He works annually with the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Germany, producing interviews with Nobel laureates and young scientists.

Brian has blogged for Scientific American and worked in science communications at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. He has appeared at TEDxBerkeley, the USA Science & Engineering Festival, and the Starmus Festival.

He has co-hosted programs on The Weather Channel, appeared on the Science Channel, NPR’s Science Friday, and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, and has been featured in The New York Times, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, and NatureScienceAmerican Scientist, and Symmetry magazines.

About Kasha Patel

Kasha Patel fills the unknown demand of Indian female comics from West Virginia. Now based in DC, she is a stand-up comedian and writer who focuses her jokes on her life as an Indian-American and science. Founder of the comedy production company DC Science Comedy, Kasha produces and hosts one of the nation’s only frequently occurring science-themed comedy shows where scientists, writers, comedians, and singers grace the stage. She also hosts and acts as emcee for monthly book-themed comedy shows, weekly mics, and special events.

 Kasha was listed on Thrillist magazine’s “Best Undiscovered Comedians in the US” where she was called a unicorn for her uniqueness. She presented a TEDx talk called “Sneaking Science into Stand-Up” where she shares a series of surprising revelations pulled from her analysis of more than 500 of her stand-up jokes. She has also been featured in The Washington Post, BBC World News, and the Travel Channel’s “Mysteries at the Museum.” In 2016, she hosted a mini series for NASA TV called “Earth Expeditions,” where she covered research about vulnerable aspects of Earth such as air quality, coral reefs, phytoplankton, forests, and glaciers

Tuesday, June 8
7 to 8 PM EDT


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