A Guide for the Perplexed:
Making Sense of the Latest Pandemic News
A Virtual Conversation with
Robin Lloyd, President of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing
Wednesday, January 26, at 7 PM EST on Zoom
Science Writers in New York is pleased to present Robin Lloyd (@RobinLloyd99), former SWINY board member and editor of the Smart, Useful, Science Stuff about COVID-19 newsletter. Robin says, “I sift through daily science news and information about the novel coronavirus pandemic so you don’t have to. Each newsletter issue summarizes the highest quality, trustworthy material — a mix of practical and technical material. Political and speculative material are kept to a minimum, but every issue ends with a few funny or entertaining items.” The last few newsletters were titled “Reasons to Avoid Omicron,” “Boosters,” and “Omicron and Holidays.”
Robin will discuss her work covering the pandemic with SWINY co-chair David Levine (@dlloydlevine). She will also discuss the advantages of Substack and her work as president of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing.
Her newsletter, launched two years ago, is distributed through Substack, which allows writers to send digital newsletters directly to their readers. It offers journalists a platform to write what they want without any editorial interference, as there are no editors. Although Robin’s newsletter is free, many Substack newsletters are behind a paywall. According to Forbes, substack has more than 250,000 paying subscribers and its top 10 publishers collectively bring in $7 million in annualized revenue.
About Robin Lloyd
Journalist Robin Lloyd, Robin Lloyd, a science writer going back to the Galileo mission to Jupiter, is a contributing editor to Scientific American, where she was news editor from 2009 to 2015. In addition to writing the Smart, Useful, Science Stuff about COVID-19 newsletter, she is president of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing.
Have a question for Robin you would like answered? Submit it here!
Wednesday, January 26
7 to 8 pm EST
Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LAnkcG94SPa_WBRnLGslFg