April 6: The Health Benefits of Cannabis and CBD: Beyond the Hype

The Health Benefits of Cannabis and CBD: Beyond the Hype

A Virtual Conversation with Dr. Mikhail Kogan

Wednesday, April 6, at 7 PM EDT on Zoom

By popular demand Science Writers in New York is pleased to again present Mikhail Kogan, MD (@KoganMD), medical director at the George Washington Center for Integrative Medicine and co-author of Medical Marijuana: Dr. Kogan’s Evidence-Based Guide to the Health Benefits of Cannabis and CBD (Penguin Random House, October 2021). Dr. Kogan, a renowned expert on medical marijuana, has found that cannabinoids (THC, CBD, hemp, and other cannabis products) can often be more beneficial, have fewer side effects, and be safer than many conventional medications, including opioids and other painkillers.

When Dr. Kogan was a guest a few weeks ago, there were so many questions, we didn’t have time to get to them. He will speak with SWINY co-chair David Levine (@dlloydlevine) about the evidence that cannabis can treat pain; improve sleep and mood; help people with gastrointestinal disorders; skin problems; cancer and chronic neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Kogan will also discuss delivery systems of cannabis include edibles, topicals, and even suppositories; finding a doctor who can recommend medical cannabis; choosing a reliable dispensary and learning how to evaluate labels on cannabis products and discover cost-saving strategies since medical marijuana isn’t covered by health insurance.

About Dr. Mikhail Kogan

Mikhail Kogan, MD, is a leader in the newly established field of integrative geriatrics. He was the chief editor of the first definitive textbook of the field entitled Integrative Geriatric Medicine, published by Oxford University Press as part of Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Library series, and he is frequent speaker at a variety of international conference on the topics of integrative medicine, geriatrics, healthy aging, as well as medical cannabis.

While Dr Kogan’s main medical cannabis expertise is in treating older patients and palliating symptoms at end of life he also treats a wide range of internal medicine problems from chronic GI problems to cancers where use of medical cannabis can be very beneficial. 

Dr. Kogan is the medical director for integrative medicine, associate professor of medicine in the Division of Geriatric and Palliative Care, and associate director of the Geriatrics and Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program and director of the Integrative Medicine Track Program at the George Washington University School of Medicine. Dr Kogan is also the founder and the executive director of AIM Health Institute, a non-profit organization in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area that provides integrative medicine services to low-income and terminally ill patients regardless of their ability to pay.

Have a question for Dr. Kogan you would like answered? Submit it here!

Wednesday, April 6th
7 to 8 pm EDT

Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xn05s3zVSdOU5IZzauZ-Ww

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