Is Lithium A Better Treatment for Depression Than SSRIs—And Can It Treat COVID?
A Virtual Conversation with Dr. Sudhir Gadh
Tuesday, December 6, at 7 PM EST on Zoom
Science Writers in New York is proud to present an evening with Dr. Sudhir Gadh, a New York City-based psychiatrist and commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve who believes that the medical establishment has overlooked lithium, an FDA-approved treatment for mania. He believes that low-level lithium is a better treatment for depression than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Dr. Gadh will talk to SWINY co-chair David Levine (@dlloydlevine) about his use of “low dose lithium” to treat depression and his recommendation that people without psychiatric illnesses take it to improve anxiety, reduce self-destructive behavior for people with a history of abuse, prevent and reduce suicidal thinking and behavior, sleep better, and reduce the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. He will also discuss its use as a treatment for COVID-19. (A study published this year found that lithium reduced the number of days of hospital and intensive care unit admission as well as the risk of death from COVID-19 and reduced long COVID syndromes.)
About Sudhir Gadh, MD

Sudhir Gadh, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist with a private practice in Union Square, New York City. He is also a commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and the medical director for the Center for Recovery and Wellness. Dr. Gadh offers progressive psychiatric care that combines medication and therapy to help patients identify the core issues contributing to their mental health conditions.
After completing his undergraduate degree at New York University in New York City, Dr. Gadh earned his medical degree at St. George’s University Medical School. He went on to his residency at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he received the Steven Samek Award for Compassionate Care.
Following residency, Dr. Gadh worked as an attending at Bellevue Hospital Center and taught pharmacology at the NYU School of Medicine, both in New York City. Dr. Gadh is a member of the American Psychiatric Association and is also a psychiatrist at the New Life School for special needs children in the Bronx.
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Tuesday, December 6
7 to 8 pm EST