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Thank you for joining Science Writers in New York!

PLEASE READ, THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you are a new member, we also need you to subscribe to the the SWINY-members Google Group, a members-only mailing list that enables you to enjoy the benefits of your annual membership, which include reduced admission to SWINY events and advance notice of job opportunities. (If you're not sure if you are subscribed, submit your email address anyway. You'll simply receive a reply that you are already subscribed.)

Subscribe to SWINY-members

You may also subscribe to SWINY-talk, a free mailing list for both members and non-members alike. Join SWINY-talk to find out about SWINY and non-SWINY events, and for discussion about matters of interest to science and medical writers in the region. (Unlike SWINY-members, SWINY-talk does not include jobs from the SWINY job board.) If you are not a member of the SWINY-talk Google group, you can subscribe here:

Subscribe to SWINY-talk

In addition, we have groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

And again, we thank you for joining SWINY and helping us build a great community of science writers in New York City.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

The SWINY Board